The Wawa, Inc. Public Relations files consists primarily of financial and operations records, advertising materials, Wawa product packaging, company newsletters, and press clippings. Although these files do not provide a detailed picture of the finances and internal operations of Wawa, Inc., they allow for a fairly comprehensive view of the company's management philosophy, public relations efforts, internal communications to employees, advertising strategies, and the process of package design. Series II contains examples of Wawa, Inc. product packaging, proofs and renderings of packaging artwork, and documents that trace the process of packaging design. A majority of Packaging series items deal with a mid 1990's redesign of Wawa, Inc. packaging for dairy and juice products. These items also illustrate the interaction of Wawa, Inc. with various marketing, container, and supply companies that helped with the packaging redesign, including Richard P. Ritter, Inc. (advertising and marketing firm), Turkey Hill Dairy, Sweetheart Cup Company, and container companies like Potlatch, Champion International, Westvaco, and Tetra Pak. The Packaging Series is divided into two Subseries: Containers and Design. The Containers Subseries includes examples of containers and artwork, and artwork proofs and renderings. The Design Subseries contains proofs, and containers that were part of the design process. Series III, Advertising and Promotion, includes Wawa, Inc. advertising materials and items dealing with the process of developing advertisements and promotions. Materials in this series document much of the Wawa, Inc. advertising and promotions efforts throughout the 1990's, including newspaper inserts, in-store advertisements, manager's packets issued in conjunction with advertising or promotional campaigns, advertising proofs, and internal corporate documents concerning advertising and promotions. Internal Documents and Art subseries contains items such as internal documents on subjects like trademarks, product name generation, and advertising philosophy, market research, the 2001 Wawa Brand Identity System, and renderings of Wawa related artwork. Series IV, Public Relations Records is a conglomeration of materials about Wawa, company management, company activities, and Wawa CEO Richard D. 'Dick' Wood, Jr. They include company history fliers and various other materials about Wawa stores and personnel. Series V, Press Clippings includes articles from magazines and newspapers about Wawa, Inc. A majority of the pieces come from periodicals Connecticut, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia. These writings cover a variety of topics, including store associates, philanthropic activities, store promotions, development, and opinion/editorial pieces about Wawa, Inc. and American convenience stores. Some of the articles come from trade journals and deal with various aspects of Wawa, Inc. operations such as marketing, selling gasoline, management philosophy, and merchandising. The press clippings are arranged chronologically by year. Series VI consists of newsletters that Wawa, Inc. published for its employees between 1980 and 2007. The newsletters cover such topics as employee benefits, physical expansion, new products, employee incentive plans, new technologies used in stores and throughout the company's various divisions, Wawa, Inc. charity and philanthropic activities, and incidental information about the company's executives, especially Richard D. Wood, Jr. Series VII, Textiles and Objects includes hats, aprons, tee shirts, and buttons generated by Wawa, Inc. A majority of the objects concern the Wawa, Inc. annual "Hoagie Day" promotions held in and around Philadelphia.